

Hi, my name is missdelite and I'm the site administrator for Female Friendlee, a blog I've started to organize information about female health, specifically: vaginal, hormonal and reproductive. I've come across vast quantities of info while doing research in an attempt to understand what my body is trying to tell me, but unfortunately, a lot of this info is contradictory and confusing. This blog is my attempt to make sense of it all.

I'm by no means an expert on female health, but I - like every other woman - have firsthand knowledge of it. We all know what symptoms look, smell and feel like, but a lot of us don't know why they happen the way they do. Please keep in mind that the info I present is that which makes the most sense to me and I'll try my best to highlight passages I feel are important. It's likely that I - or the writers I feature - may not have all the answers you're looking for. If there's anything I've learned through the course of my exploration of this topic, it's that every body is unique, and that what works for one may not necessarily work for another. The best you can do is consider a variety of opinions and adopt the ones that make the most sense to you.

Also, my focus will be on the influences of diet, exercise (or lack thereof), stress, hours of sleep and other lifestyle factors on female health. Any mention of medications - over the counter or prescriptive - will be fleeting at best as I've no experience in this area.

So, it's my hope this blog will help me - and others - understand our bodies better. If you're experiencing symptoms and nothing you've tried so far appears to be helping, don't get discouraged. Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to finally discover what works for you and I'm hoping I can help make this endeavour easier. Remember: Knowledge is power and we're all free to use it to our benefit.

Thanks for stopping by,
